Peria Chronicles videos introduce guardians and combat

Peria Chronicles guardians combat

The first Peria Chronicles alpha test is over, which took place from April 18 until May 8. There is some in-depth footage around that is useful to see how this anime MMORPG is shaping up, but many doubts remain about its mechanics. Is it sandbox or not?

I just spotted three new videos on the official website which, for some reason, are unlisted. They show you three different guardians, Tominia, Lynn and Trivian – the alpha test had a fourth guardian, a small and cute doll-girl that isn't shown here.

Now it's a matter of waiting for news on the next Peria Chronicles test. Don't even bother asking for a western release date, just cross your fingers and hope that this game won't disappear from the face of the earth for two more years.

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