Peria Chronicles: new trailer in ages, hype skyrockets

Peria Chronicles artwork

Finally! With G-Star 2016 just three days away, Thingsoft has turned the hype level to infinite by releasing the first Peria Chronicles trailer in what seems like an eternity. Well, it's more of a teaser for the upcoming full trailer as it sits at a mere 15 seconds, but it's good enough to see that the anime graphics are as awesome as ever and the bold contrast between colorful and gritty is looking very promising.

We already knew that Peria Chronicles was going to be one of the biggest names at G-Star 2016, even including a playable version, and this has just reinforced that idea. The official website was also updated with some info, but our Korean is rusty so we'll let you figure out what the devs are teasing for the game show.

Watch the teaser trailer below and hang in there, it's just three days.

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