Project K is Pearl Abyss’ upcoming FPS from Counter-Strike creator

Project K shooter Minh Le

Pearl Abyss is widely known for its one major success, Black Desert Online, and this MMORPG gave the Korean studio enough comfort to develop other games. While some of them are for mobile platforms, there are others such as this Project K destined to PC and Xbox One.

Project K is the baby of Minh Le a.k.a. Gooseman, the Counter-Strike creator. If you remember, Le already tried a first shot at replicating the success of CS with Tactical Intervention, but that didn't go too well. Now, with the support of the Black Desert Online developer, the new game has a bigger chance of succeeding. It's still early to know the details surrounding this game, but MMOCulture mentions a focus on teamwork and featuring elements from Aeon of Strife, a custom Starcraft map and a MOBA before the MOBAs. Hey, at least it's not a Battle Royale, right?

The short video below shows a couple of artworks from Project K, and that is all that we know so far. The business model is also a big question mark for now.

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