Revelation Online’s Russian third and final beta begins soon

The second Revelation Online Russian closed beta ended on November 21 and Mail.Ru has already announced the third and last beta. Running from December 6 to December 12, this final  Revelation Online closed test will give every player of level 21 and above the ability to automatically reach level 59 and gain legendary gear. This test will focus on high level PvE and PvP, hence the level increase.

The storyline will be playable up to level 69 and the marriage system is going to be available – we're not sure about the Russian version (it's probably the same), but the western version is going to feature no limits on marriage.

While the North American and European versions of Revelation Online are yet to enter the second closed beta before the end of the year, we now know that there will only be three closed betas, as Mail.Ru is the owner of publisher Sign up if you still don’t have a key for Revelation Online.

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