These are tough times for zombies, in case you didn't know it already – Human Element is one more zombie-themed game to fail to live to the expectations, being put ‘on hiatus' as developer Robotoki has just ceased operations.
“We were actively negotiating a publishing deal for the premium version of Human Element but unfortunately I am unable to continue to self-fund the studio until that deal finalizes.” Bowling stated.
Human Element was touted as a first-person survival MMORPG set in an open world where zombies are central but it's humans who pose the major threat. It was one of the few games that could capture the attention of players who love DayZ and are looking forward to more of H1Z1 (despite the chaotic and controversial early access launch). Nexon even grabbed the rights to Human Element but a while later the teams decided to part ways, as Robotoki considered that Human Element would work better as a premium game, as the elements that would make the game the most fun were “hindered by keeping it a free-to-play experience.”
Robotoki was founded in 2013 by Robert Bowling, former Infinity Ward element and creative strategist for the Call of Duty franchise. The studio created the video below to say farewell to its fans.
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