Skyforge introduces the Oceanides, enemies of Aelion

The world of Aelion is a big, bad world, with many invaders from other worlds trying to overthrow the inhabitants. In the case of the Oceanides, these monstrous sea creatures live deep below the beautiful waters of Aelion and are waiting for the opportunity to defeat the people on the surface. Hailing from the home world of Olghul, the Oceanides have adapted to the warm waters of Aelion but they have made it their goal to extinguish all sentient life living upon Aelion’s surface.

This race of magically imbued amphibians wish nothing but death upon Aelion’s land inhabitants, so they sound like some really fine folks. They plan to conquer more planets that they deem suitable for their species and exterminating all those whom they feel are unworthy of joining them.

This is just one of the alien species that is trying to defeat the immortals and gods in Skyforge, the sci-fI MMORPG that recently entered open beta. You can read more lore about the Oceanides here and if you still haven't tried this game, you definitely should by signing up here.


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