Skyforge teases its updated combat system in a hard rock trailer

The Skyforge Ascension update is going to launch on October 19 and has just released a new cinematic trailer teasing the updated combat system. The highlight of the enhanced combat is surely the ability to take weapons or even parts of the defeated creatures to use against other enemies. But you'll also get more depth thanks to the ability to kite enemies and dodge attacks more consistently.

When you defeat an enemy, you can pick gear, chunks of armor, or even pieces of their bodies and use them as weapons – for example, getting a pair of poisonous triffid stems and whipping an unruly druid with them. Or using a Khelp’s claw and ultimately throw it at the enemy, the same with guns, staves, whips, grenades and more. The item will wear off but offers great damage while it's in good shape.

Monster behavior was also improved and abilities added to immortals to make the battles more dynamic, with dodging, ultimate bonuses and more.

Read more about the upgraded combat system and watch the trailer below.

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