Spellbreak update adds quest system, basic tutorial and more

Spellbreak update quest system

Spellcasting Battle Royale game Spellbreak just received its .20 update, which brings a very cool addition, among several things: a quest system.

Now you are not limited to destroying your enemies and claiming first place – you can take a stroll around the map and distract yourself with other tasks to gain additional XP. Things such as opening a certain number of chests, or dealing a certain amount of damage with a specific class.

A basic tutorial was added to make things a bit clearer. You need to learn about the double class system and other details, so this is a good idea. Other additions include an XP leaderboard, updates to the shrinking circle and tons of balance changes. You can read all the patch notes here.

We tried Spellbreak and liked it a lot. It's a special kind of Battle Royale with crazy spell combos and lots of weird skills. Give it a try if you manage to get  a key.

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