Splash Damage ends development on Dirty Bomb, game lives on

Splash Damage ends development on Dirty Bomb

Sad news for fans of Splash Damage's first-person shooter Dirty Bomb. The studio has decided to end live development and updates on Dirty Bomb.

Splash Damage admits that they didn't manage to turn Dirty Bomb into the success they were hoping it to be. Therefore, it isn't financially viable to continue working on this shooter. Anyone who purchased the All Merc Pack DLC by January 31, 2019 will get a refund, with the money you spent returning to your Steam wallet, while you get to keep the unlocked Mercs.

Splash Damage got the rights for Dirty Bomb back from then publisher Nexon in February 2017, and is now stopping development, while keeping the servers running for as long as the player count justifies it.

This decision doesn't mean that the future is grim for Splash Damage – they mention having “many announced and unannounced titles in production”, one of them being a secret project in development for Wargaming. World of Wardudes, probably?

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