The Rise of the Emperor game update for Star Wars: The Old Republic (play free here) is now live, BioWare has revealed. This update brings a lot of darkness to the galaxy and a level cap of 60 is required for those who want to play this new content. It also means that you need to have purchased latest story expansion, Shadow of Revan, which includes said level cap.
The story for Rise of the Emperor goes as follows:
Unleashed from his sanctuary on Yavin 4, the former Sith Emperor has now struck the Imperial world of Ziost. Using his immense power in the dark side of the Force, he has dominated the minds of the planet’s Imperial troops–as well as an elite cadre of militaristic Jedi–and has set them against the populace, engaging in a bloody slaughter. Join with allies Lana Beniko and Theron Shan to stop the Emperor’s terrifying assault in Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor!
You can learn more about this content update on the official page. Here's the new trailer.
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