Steampunk non-target MOBA Spellgear goes free-to-play

Have you heard of Spellgear before? If not, don't worry, because we haven't either until now. It seems that this game launched in August 2016 as a buy-to-play game on Steam for $20 and despite begin a decent non-target MOBA game, it sold really, really badly. I mean, the peak players were never above 21 and it currently seats at 29 reviews, which should give you an idea of how many people were playing Spellgear.

Probably considering this date, developer SkyRiver Studios decided to switch the business model to free-to-play with the latest patch released a few days ago. This should bring more players to the game and eventually make it a bit more popular. Those who purchased the game before will receive “a very precious gift”, although this remains undisclosed so far – probably some item pack or something.

If you try Spellgear let us know if it's worth your time.

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