There's a new zombie sandbox in town – Romero’s Aftermath is the result of a collaboration between acclaimed horror film director George C. Romero and independent video game publisher Free Reign Entertainment. Officially described as “free-to-win”, Aftermath has just entered open beta, so everyone can try this survival horror game by downloading it on the official website or on Steam.
Aftermath is set in an open world and will remind you of H1Z1 or DayZ, but mostly of the controversial WarZ, lately known as Infestation: Survivor Stories, as both games share the development team. As for “free to win”, it is said that the meaning of this is that “what happens to a player depends solely on their skills”, with the cash shop only selling “cosmetic skins, customizations and boosts that allow players to acquire certain in-game items more quickly”, but with each item being also acquirable during regular play.
Here is the official open beta trailer for Aftermath and here's our Romero's Aftermath first look gameplay video.
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