Torchlight Frontiers Beast Buddies update overhauls pet system and adds new pets

Torchlight Frontiers Beast Buddies pets

Torchlight Frontiers is getting a new update on July 16 focused on pets. Beast Buddies will bring an entire overhaul to the pet system, adding new features as well as two new pets.

First of all, the two chumps that you are going to take with you in your adventures: a dragon and a wolf. These will join the existing llama, dog and owl pets. The Beast Buddies update will allow you to do a lot more with your pet than treating it as a straight pathway from loot to merchant – you'll be able to collect pets, swap between them and collect pet skills.

Defeating a boss and finding a pet cage will get you a few choices: you can send the pet straight to your Fort, swap it with your current pet or release it into the wild. Pets come in different types, colors and skills, so you'll eventually find yourself collecting pets like Pokémon.

This will be another significant update for Torchlight Frontiers, an action MMORPG that is currently in alpha. The release is planned for late 2019 on PC and sometime later on consoles.

Torchlight Frontiers Beast Buddies pets Dragon Wolf

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