Creative Assembly has just announced that the Total War: Arena closed beta is going to end on March 3, and the game servers will be turned off for some time. The team is very pleased with all the feedback and they need to implement it into the game so that it brings them closer to being launch ready. Since this will require some fundamental changes to the back end infrastructure of the game, it has to go offline.
For how long? There's no exact date, but Creative Assembly expects it to be at least two months before the game returns for the open beta. The studio promises to keep listening to players on the official forums and social media, updating us on progress and ultimately revealing the definite date as soon as they have it. As for the players who’ve spent money to purchase Gold in the game, they will automatically receive a refund into their Steam Wallet of whatever they’ve spent, and they get to keep the progress and gold that was bought.
If you still have any questions about this intermission, you can read the FAQ here.
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