Tree of Savior details F2P transition and discusses new worlds

Tree of Savior golden pup

IMC Games has revealed its plans concerning the upcoming transition of Tree of Savior from exclusive access to free-to-play, something that is bound to happen on April 28, 2016. The most important detail is that the studio is “planning on creating new worlds if there is a sufficient influx of new players when the game releases to the mass public.” However, considering that the world population is very important, these new worlds won't be created immediately upon release. Instead, they will be opened gradually in accordance to the influx of new players.

To help with this situation, IMC Games is offering a 1-time Team transfer to those who purchased Founder's Server: Exclusive Access. When new worlds are created, the devs will accept requests but the transfers will only happen “approximately 3 weeks after the new worlds are created in order to ensure that some of the head-start effects brought by older players are reduced.”

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