It has been a while since we've seen a news update to the international version of Tree of Savior, but IMC Games finally addressed its fans a couple of days ago. While the juicy bits such as a release date aren't out there yet, we get to know that the global version is progressing at a steady pace.
One of the things that the studio is working on is regional websites, using the feedback gathered from a poll to decide how each site will look like. The second topic concerns the translation from Korean to English with regards to the UI, quest lines, items, skills and so on, which is progressing nicely – most of it is translated and when it's all done it will need some polishing. A funny thing about the Tree of Savior translation is that anyone is able to go to Github to check the progress of the different languages (English, Portuguese, Thai…) and even help with it.
Finally, the Steam issues are addressed, with IMC Games “hard at work with stabilizing the Steam servers for the international version of TOS”.
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