Warframe developer Digital Extremes opens new studio in Toronto


The free-to-play market is in such a dire state that Digital Extremes, makers of Warframe, have decided to open a new studio. The Canadian developer is opening this new studio in Toronto, a couple of hours away from the headquarters in London, Ontario.

The new studio will be tasked with development duties, and Digital Extremes definitely needs the extra help. They are not only constantly working on the acclaimed co-op shooter Warframe (the Plains of Eidolon update is coming this week), but they also have the new shooter The Amazing Eternals in closed beta testing, as well as Survived By, a retro-styled bullet-hell MMO with permadeath, made in partnership with Human Head Studios.

Warframe is the gift that keeps on giving, but Digital Extremes surely knows that independent studios can't rely on a single game. The future will tell if their next projects, both of them free-to-play, are successful.

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