After ten years, Team Fortress 2 remains as one of the top games on Steam. It hasn't aged a bit thanks to its timeless art style and with the polished shooter mechanics, it's still one of the best games ever created. And it will get even better with the huge Jungle Inferno update.
The highlight of this update is the new Mercenary Park update. An outlandish trailer was released to set up the scene, and the ending makes perfect sense – in the Team Fortress 2 universe, of course. The two teams of mercenaries are going to fight in this jungle-themed map featuring three control points. But there are other maps, five of them, all community-made, and supporting different modes such as King of the Hill and Payload.
The remaining reveals of the first day include a series of new taunts which you can see below. There are three other reveals still to come, so we can only wonder what kind of additional content the Jungle Inferno update is going to bring.
Valve hasn't revealed a release date yet, but it shouldn't be long now.
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