While we've been getting tidbits of gameplay in some developer diaries, it's only now that Wargaming decided to reveal the first World of Warships gameplay trailer. However, it's a cinematic trailer, meaning that there's no UI in sight.
Along with the trailer, the studio is hosting a World of Warships Rock, Paper, Scissors testing weekend that begins Friday, December 12 at 15:00 PST / 18:00 EST and ends Sunday, December 14 at 23:59 PST / 02:59 EST on December 15. The name Rock, Paper, Scissors is due to the “unique “Rock-Paper-Scissors” approach to naval combat. Players will have the opportunity to command American cruisers and destroyers as well as Japanese battleships, cruisers, and destroyers.”
You can get a key in some sites if you're lucky enough, but be aware that there's a non-disclosure agreement going on, so you won't be able to share your views with the rest of the world.
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