ARGO Online

THEME: Fantasy/Sci-Fi | PLATFORM: Download | STATUS: Shutdown Mar 13

ARGO Online is a fantasy MMORPG with steampunk elements set in a post-apocalyptic world. There is a war raging between two factions, with one being more close to nature (Floresslah) and the other favoring technology (Noblian).

There are eight classes to choose from and specializations to discover, but one outstanding feature is the character editor, that allows you to change an impressive amount of physical details, from the body to the face. Although there are some steampunk elements in the game, the look and feel is very similar to that of regular fantasy MMOs such as Allods Online or Forsaken World. The enemy roster is inspired but, as usual, we tend to see the same models a lot.

The gameplay is mostly combat based, but the combats are dynamic and addictive. The player is able to change weapons on-the-fly, changing from melee to ranged combat as he wishes. ARGO Online never gets boring, and there are many elements from the MMO universe such as mounts, skills and pets.

ARGO Online is a good example of an appealing free MMORPG, with dynamic gameplay and intuitive interface, recommended for those looking for a competent combat-based MMO.

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