New Hero GRIM.exe joins Paragon, early access begins

There's a new hero in town today, or better, in Epic Games' upcoming free-to-play MOBA Paragon. Grim.exe is the name and he comes at the same time as the game enters early access – you can buy one of three Founder's Packs which include skins, XP boosts and more.

As for Grim.exe, it's a ranger hero and the description is below:

“This new playable character is a ranger at the controls of a turret robot that obeys the finger and the eye. His pulse cannon provides extensive damage to minions and other enemy Heroes, but it can also slow down or reverse using his shield. Its Targeted Gyro Force Orb target enemies and pass through objects and other units outside of Heroes. For a clean and responsible war, opt for GRIM.exe!”

As is becoming the norm with the latest Paragon characters, Grim.exe is a triumph in design and confirms our high expectations for this MOBA game. Given enough time, this visually stunning and in a way original arena battler will become one of the biggest games of the genre.

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