League of Angels 3

league of angels 3

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League of Angels 3 info PUBLISHER: GTArcade | DEVELOPER: GTArcade
PLATFORM: Browser | STATUS: Final September 2018

League of Angels 3

League of Angels 3 is the sequel to the acclaimed MMORPG League of Angels 2, known for its sexy angels and demanding turn-based gameplay. In this game, the angels are back and look as stunning as ever, but now the gameplay is realized in full 3D, allowing you to zoom in and out as you see fit.

Gameplay is based on the previous outings, with the player recruiting angels to help him fight evil dragons. There are no fixed classes in League of Angels 3, with the Divine Arma System determining the skills of your character – the weapons you use shape your gameplay style.

Besides the single player campaign, there are several PvP modes, including the traditional arena and the guild competition of Mine Wars.

League of Angels 3 gameplay video

League of Angels 3 screens

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