Astro Boy: Edge of Time

Astro Boy: Edge of Time

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Astro Boy: Edge of Time info PUBLISHER: Active Gaming M. | DEVELOPER: Project Atom
GENRE: CCG, Strategy | THEME: Anime, Sci-Fi
PLATFORM: Download | STATUS: Final

Astro Boy: Edge of Time overview

Astro Boy: Edge of Time is a free-to-play digital collectible card game based on the popular anime series created by the “Godfather of manga” Osamu Tezuka. This game is the first-ever official Tezuka-based title for PC, and Astro Boy’s first game appearance in eight years. Dipping its feet in the popular card game genre, Astro Boy: Edge of Time features two rows for each zone, and a roster of characters taken from Tezuka's Star System, the shared universe that includes his favorite creations. Astro Boy: Edge of Time includes redesigned characters by some of the most popular manga artists ever: Hiroshi Matsuyama (.hack), NekoshowguN (Lollipop Chainsaw), Grasshopper Manufacture (Let it Die, Killer 7), and more. Unlike many CCGs, Astro Boy: Edge of Time includes a single-player story mode for you to learn the basics and experience a story in this universe.

Astro Boy: Edge of Time can be compared to a couple of the best collecting card games available – Hearthstone and Shadowverse – but it still has a long way to go to reach that standard.

Astro Boy: Edge of Time gameplay video

Astro Boy: Edge of Time screenshots

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