Mir4 World of the Blind 1 Guide – Unlock Northern Profound Art

Mir4 World of the Blind 1 Guide

Unlocking Chi is one of the most sought-after activities in Mir4. These training levels will offer your character additional ways to level up combat power, but it's not always easy to know how to complete the requirements. For the fifth Chi, Northern Profound Art, you must collect two skill tomes: volume 1 and volume 2. In each one, there's a special request mission to complete. This Mir4 World of the Blind 1 guide will show you how to finish the first one, and we'll also tell you how to complete The World of the Blind 2.

Mir4 World of the Blind 1 Guide and Location

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Just as it happened with the fourth chi, Violet Mist Art, you must find the NPC that gives you the Request mission. The first part or request is about finding an object, in this case a Tome Box, or chest, to be more specific. The second part only opens after completing the first request and involves fighting a powerful boss in Secret Peak 4F.

But let's go to the first part, The World of the Blind 1 – Find Missing Tome Box Request that you start on Heaven's Way Mid-Level. Find the location of Mugon (watch the video above at 0:44) and talk to him to accept the Request. Now you must travel to Emei Sect's Secret Hermitage to find the box. You can do this by jumping to the right when you enter the location (check the video at 1:32), interact the box and you will finish this Request.

You have now collected the Northern Profound Art Volume 1 and unlocked the Request The World of the Blind 2 – Retrieve Foul Blooded Vestal's Tome.

We can leave The World of the Blind 2 guide here for you, since completing it is fairly simple in theory. Start by picking up the Request from Mugon again, then enter Secret Peak 4F. Your job is to kill the Foul Blooded Vestal boss, the snake female boss that spawns on the top right area of the map. You must wait for her to spawn and then attack her with a group of friends, because she is a level 85 boss with x155 health bars. It is going to take a while, but when you kill her the Request is completed and you get a pop-up from Mugon confirming that.

Now you can go into your Chi menu and use both Northern Profound Art volumes to unlock the fifth Chi.

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