Ascent: Infinite Realm shows that being a hero is hard work

Ascent Infinite Realm life activities

So you thought that being a hero was all about saving the world and enjoying all the riches and fame that comes with it? Think again, as Ascent: Infinite Realm gives us a small taste of the bitter reality.

A new set of screenshots from Bluehole's upcoming fantasy steampunk MMORPG takes a look at player housing, along with whatever comes with it. Players, or Ascendants as they are known, will claim a piece of the land and customize it to their liking – potential decorators will surely enjoy it.

But there is more to it, such as gathering seeds and cultivate them in your own farm, growing your crop – don't forget to water your vegetables. You can also go fishing and place your catch in your private pond, to breed fish. Or you can go and chop down some trees. It's all about production and ultimately getting resources to trade.

Some of the life activities in Ascent: Infinite Realm include fishing, mining, chopping trees, crop farming, animal farming and more yet to be revealed.

It's nothing that we haven't seen before in other MMORPGs such as ArcheAge or Black Desert Online, but it's good to know that A:IR also includes it.

Ascent Infinite Realm life activities Ascent Infinite Realm life activities Ascent Infinite Realm life activities Ascent Infinite Realm life activities Ascent Infinite Realm life activities Ascent Infinite Realm life activities

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