Perfect World Entertainment is anticipating the end of the world in the free-to-play shooter Blacklight Retribution. The World's End update is scheduled to launch following this week's scheduled maintenance. This update will bring more guns, maps, and introduces the Assault Bot. Here are the main features and the announcement trailer:
New Map: Decay: Load up your shotgun and stalk enemies through twisting alleys in the new Decay map. Keep your eyes open for attacks from the ledges and windows above.
New Hero: Chronos: Hack control nodes faster with Chronos. This brand new Hero comes equipped with an auto-turret and an HRV decoy, an ideal load-out for setting traps or standing guard while you hack terminals.
New Map: Trench: Set in an abandoned dig site, this new map features many opportunities for those who prefer mid-ranged combat. Don't forget to pack your rifle.
New Assault Bot: Dominant agents can requisition a new Assault AI robot, armed with a rapid-fire assault rifle and programmed to destroy. Rack up the kills and lay down covering fire to support your team with this AI partner.
New Weapons: The Snub Nose revolver gives up some punch per shot, but with its low recoil and fast rate of fire, players will be landing more shots on target to secure the kill.
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