Conquer Online Mobile welcomes returning heroes with rewards

Conquer Online Mobile free rewards

Netdragon is offering rewards for players who return to Conquer Online Mobile starting on October 20. This adaptation of the classic PC MMORPG Conquer Online tweaks the original game but remains faithful to all the features that made it popular in the first place.

Returning players may get a reward worth 60,000 CPs, and here are the details:

– Returning heroes can receive various returning boxes immediately once online.

– Take the returning quests online to unlock more returning gifts including the exclusive 5-Star Garment.

– In addition to the online multiple gifts, there is a special event page for all the returning heroes. You can team up with your friends to complete tasks, share your stories and know more about the changes of Conquer Online Mobile there.

You can download Conquer Online Mobile for free and check the official Facebook page for updates.

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