Panzar is a game that most of you probably never heard about – neither did we. But now Panzar Studios is announcing that this game has just gone live in Europe, apparently after some success in Russia. European players will be able to try this free-to-play action MMO RPG in English, German or French. Also, don't call it a MOBA, because even if it sounds like that, there's some discussion over the use of the popular (and overly used nowadays) MOBA term.
In Panzar, players choose their character from 8 different classes (Tank, Palladin, Sister of Fire, Gunner and more) and enter fast-paced third-person combat – just like in SMITE. The game pits two teams fighting for different objectives according to the game mode, which can be Siege, King of the Hill or Domination, among others. The game looks really good thanks to the use of CryEngine 3 and we'll be sure to check it out properly and give you our opinion on it. Meanwhile, check the cinematic trailer below and give it a try by signing up at the official website.
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