Could this be it? Did console manufacturers finally realized the potential of free-to-play games and are going to bet on this area? Well, at least Sony seems to be focusing on it, a little bit on PS3 and now even more on PS4. Warframe, the successful free-to-play co-op shooter from Digital Extremes will be a launch title on PS4, taking advantage of the DualShock 4 features.
PlanetSide 2, another successful free shooter, in this case an MMOFPS, is also making the jump to PS4. It should be accompanied by DC Universe Online, a game that PC and PS3 players already had the joy to play for free. Both games should be released “later this year”, but no details were revealed about the titles, such as improvements specific to the PS4.
Here are the Warframe, PlanetSide 2 and DC Universe Online PS4 announcement trailers.
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