With Dino Storm, Splitscreen Games is sending a unique free-to-play MMO into worldwide Open Beta. On http://www.dinostorm.com cowboys and cowgirls can saddle their dinosaurs directly inside their browsers to ride through Dinoville with drawn laser guns and defend their claims in exciting quests. Fame & Respect need to be earned on the way to the Sheriff's office.
Dino Storm appeals to a broad audience: Easy access to the game, in combination with beautifully realized 3D graphics, swiftly introduces newcomers to the world of MMOs. An extensive in-game guide and hundreds of quests carefully guide players through the world around Dinoville, exciting rivalries with other players and the novel Fame & Respect system offer long term play value.
With just a few dollars in your pocket, little ammunition, a laser gun and your small but trusty dinosaur you arrive at gold rush town Dinoville. Explore the rich game world, face enormous wild dinosaur herds and merciless bandits on your hunt for valuable items. Manage supply camps, teleport gates and claims and defend them against other players. Found your own clan, earn Fame & Respect. Only the best will make it to the top and become Sheriff of Dinoville.
It does not matter which dinosaur is your favorite: Saddle up right now on the official website http://www.DinoStorm.com to ride through Dinoville, Mokon Woods and the Goldfields for free.
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