Fusion is the latest update for the free-to-play MMORPG Dragonica and one with a twist – the update was released in collaboration with Gravity Europe and brings the new town of Geffen, as well as new, Ragnarök-inspired quests, rewards, costumes, dungeons, pets and even a dimension portal to the game of Dragonica: Players can now use the Eye of Dimension to travel between the worlds of Dragonica and Ragnarök, and to find the new quest “Ragnarök World”, for example. Here, the Kafra employee Tailing is looking for heroes that will save Geffen from destruction. Heroes can find and equip Ragnarôk Novice sets, which even give buffs.
Many more interweavements, including a new dungeon in the ruins of the Ragnarök city, new pets, NPCs, achievements and field maps with new monsters from Ragnarok Online, are also part of the new expansion that will launch by the end of the month on the European Dragonica servers.
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