Hyper Universe Early Access infographic shows you prefer females

hyper universe celine infographic

Shock and awe! As it turns out, your favorite Hyper Universe character is boobs… I mean, Celine, the stunning bow-wielding elf.

It seems that Hyper Universe players enjoy female Hypers quite a bit, considering that Celine comes in number one, but the next three characters are also girls: Blue Rose, Aisha and Ignitia. You sure like your eye-candy with your MOBAs, right?

This Hyper Universe Early Access infographic was released in anticipation of the game's official launch on January 17, 2018. Hyper Universe will then switch to free-to-play and hopefully the player base is going to increase significantly, as this is a fun and polished side-scrolling MOBA game.

The infographic also shows you the player with the highest Kill/Death ratio, as well as the one that reached the higher level (Occult with level 49).

Take a look at the infographic below, and get ready to play Hyper Universe in about a week.

hyper universe celine infographic

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