MU Legend’s open beta delayed to November, shaking my head

MU Legend's open beta

September is coming and so should MU Legend's open beta, which Webzen announced in July and subsequently teased. But today, the bomb dropped: MU Legend's open beta was delayed to November 2017.

While we share the disappointment that many western players are feeling right now, we applaud Webzen's courage to delay the release and improve the game experience. We're the first to complaint about rushed releases and this move is one that we support. The three remaining months are going to be used for the final bits of development and translation (not just English, but also French, German, Polish, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese).

Pierre Vandenbroucke, producer of MU Legend's global version, says it all:

“We truly love our game, and our whole team has put so much effort into making the world of MU Legend the best it can be. With this in mind, we prefer to continue our commitment to quality instead of rushing the remaining development work, which would risk watering down the overall gaming experience that MU Legend will offer. We are committed to this “November” announcement, and we will make all the necessary efforts to bring the OBT to players at that time.”

“We have been expecting this new MU release for more than 15 years, and all we are asking from you now is your continued support for three more months. We need it for this very last bit of development and translation, as we want to deliver a vibrant and memorable in-game experience.”

MU Legend's global open beta will feature four classes, but the fifth one is already doing the rounds in Korea. The Emphasizer is the fifth MU Legend class and it will certainly launch during 2018 in the west. The voice cast working on MU Legend is from a highly regarded production company and acclaimed composer and BAFTA winner Jesper Kyd is in charge of the soundtrack. All is looking good, just three more months to go.

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