Mobile game Thine gets the Spiral Cats cosplay treatment

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Tasha

The South Korean cosplay team Spiral Cats is back with a new production, seemingly only a few days after their latest work. Just how fast they can create those awesome costumes is beyond our guess. Once again they draw inspiration from a mobile game, this one called Thine, and the characters chosen are a Sorceress for Tasha and a Summoner for Doremi.

It's lovely and incredibly detailed as usual, but they need to dial back a bit on the visual effects. There's no need for so much lighting and particles sometimes obscuring the cosplay costume itself. Beyond that, we applaud their almost obsessive attention to detail.

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Tasha Sorceress

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Tasha Sorceress

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Tasha Sorceress

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Tasha Sorceress

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Tasha Sorceress

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Doremi Summoner

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Doremi Summoner

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Doremi Summoner

Thine cosplay Spiral Cats Doremi Summoner

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