World of Tanks is celebrating the second anniversary of its European server. During the two years there were countless battles, vast numbers of destroyed vehicles, numerous victories and defeats… Throughout the years, the game has developed significantly, and the player base has grown. Wargaming is now offering this second anniversary special offer from 12th April until 16th April 07:00 CEST (GMT+2):
– X5 Experience
– Medal Hunt
– Discount and Profit Bonus on Tier VIII Vehicles and Tier VI SPGs
– Discount on Tier VIII Premium vehicles
– Profit Bonus on Tier V Vehicles
– Discount on Equipment and Crew Training
– Discount on Premium Accounts
There's also a very special Razer contest to celebrate in which anyone can win just by playing the game!
In order to take part, all you need to do is battle with your favorite vehicles and earn as much XP as you can. You don’t need to submit any screenshots or replays – in fact you don’t need to do anything at all! The results will be pulled directly from the database in order to compile the massive list of winners. The top ten scores for almost every single vehicle in the game will be rewarded! The contest will run from 12th April and will end at midnight CEST (GMT +2) on the 22nd April.
To learn more visit
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