Bless: final Korean closed beta begins today

Bless Online releases on Steam

The final Bless Online Korean closed beta begins today, as Neowiz previously announced. This beautiful Unreal Engine 3 MMORPG will run its last closed beta from September 17 to September 25 and includes new content such as a new level cap of 45, new regions and dungeons.

While Bless: Embers in the Storm – as it is also known – isn't a revolutionary MMORPG and most of its mechanics feel a bit familiar, it is stunning and we would really like to see it launch in western territories. Releasing a trailer with English voiceover could be a hint that this could actually happen sometime.

Meanwhile, you can either try to play the Korean version, as it's not impossible if you stumble upon a beta key. We definitely recommend you to take a look at the upgraded character creation system in Bless in the video below.

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