March of War pilot episode is live

ISOTX, makers of Iron Grip: Marauders, just announced that their new game, the free-to-play turn-based strategy game March of War is now live. More especifically, the Pilot episode “World Aflame”. More episodes will follow monthly and their development is heavily influenced by the community.

The Pilot episode “World Aflame” sets the stage for the community to start writing their story in the war-torn alternate dieselpunk 1940’s world. Initially, the conflict is in its early stages, but it will quickly mature into a rapidly evolving and unpredictable conflict once players have had a chance to start interacting with the dieselpunk game world. Each battle redraws the borders, shifting the balance and changing the world. These elements keep March of War in a constant player driven flux.

March of War is available in the official website as well as on Steam. Here's the launch trailer.

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