Moonlight Blade’s new update allows you to freeze time

Moonlight Blade open beta

Tencent is going to release a new update for the fantasy martial arts MMORPG Moonlight Blade called Spring Festival and it is going to introduce the usual lot of new content such as costumes, but also a new and interesting feature: the ability to freeze time. You can see it in the trailer below around the 2:30 mark, but besides looking cool, we don't know just how it will work in the game, so we'll have to wait for more info. The trailer also shows you some awesome vistas from Moonlight Blade and even this pet squirrel that hangs on your back (2:15).

Moonlight Blade is coming to North America and Europe, but that is all we know so far as there wasn't even a proper official announcement yet. Just some sort of “oh, and the NA and EU servers are launching in the future”. Hopefully the near future, not 2029 or something.

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