One Punch Woman: Master X Master is getting Yuri in August 2

master x master yuri

“I will crush you!” Prepare yourself to hear this a lot when the new Master Yuri is deployed in Master X Master. August 2 is the date when Yuri is joining the roster of this action RPG/MOBA, and she is a talented martial artist. This melee-based Skirmisher from Earth’s third settlement on Amaari is known for her Cosmic Fist which harnesses Sol energy.

NCSoft has released a first trailer with about 20 seconds of punching, more punching… and relaxing tea drinking. Go figure. We should also mention that Yuri sounds like a burly Russian girl, something that is causing an uproar in the MXM community: some like it and deem it good for a change, others despise it and consider that the voice doesn't match the schoolgirl look of the character.

What is your opinion on this first world problem?

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