SWTOR: BioWare studying free-to-play, can only be good

Star Wars: The Old Republic lead designer Emmanuel Lusinchi has revealed that BioWare is taking a long, hard look at the free-to-play scene, mostly to assess competition and to prepare for a future that is permanently changing. The first step is to make SWTOR free up to level 15 with the scheduled July update.

Lusinchi doesn’t reveal much and the idea of seeing SWTOR free-to-play is one that he never touches, but we all know it can be possible in the future. He comments about the good games out in the F2P scene and how they compete with BioWare’s plans, so it’s clear the studio is considering its options.

Although BioWare already has a free-to-play game in the shape of MOBA Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes, it’s far to say it hails from the studio previously known as Mythic, so we’ll wait for the ´real’ first F2P game from the makers of Mass Effect and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

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