Black Desert final Korean test coming soon

The third and final Black Desert Korean closed beta is about to begin and the recruitment phase has a date set in stone: September 2nd to 11th. The beta schedule isn't yet confirmed but it should begin soon after, most likely still during September – a slight delay pushed the beta a week or two on the calendar.

As was the case with the previous betas, this third Black Desert closed beta is only for Korean players (and a few select members of the press) – the first open beta will begin probably before the end of 2014, but it doesn't mean that it will be open to everyone. Some speculated updates to be seen in this beta include an improved housing system, a richer mini-map, new NPCs, a dyeing system so that you can dye your armor and clothes with different colors and make the characters more diverse, a pet system (you can have a cat!) and a boss that looks like a cross between a hippo and a dragon.

The North American and European Black Desert closed beta is planned for early 2015 and published by Daum, just like with the Korean version. If you still don't know what this game is about, you can catch up with our Black Desert Online second closed beta hands-on impressions.

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