Armored Warfare reveals PvP map Ghost Fields and Obsidian Entertainment revealed Ghost Fields, one of the PvP maps in Armored Warfare, the upcoming free-to-play tank combat game. This is a map for those who like to fight in the open. Here is the official description and a gameplay trailer:

There are relatively few roads and buildings on the map, but many interesting natural details: cliffs that you can easily fall from, ravines and screes, moors and coppices.

The battle begins in the early morning on a summer day, with a light drizzle. The location is one of strategic importance. The airfield is spread out, with buildings in the hills, as well as fuel and missiles waiting to be fitted on aircraft.

The airbase is partially abandoned, but still sees some action. Hangars have ammo stocked, and cases are ready to be loaded by the runway. Fighter jets and helicopters are parked all over. But at the same time, builudings are abandoned, and some aircraft lie in pieces across the fields. The wreckage is old, but has never been cleaned up.

Due to the open terrain, heavy tanks will need to be wary of artillery strikes. At the same time, the landscape favors Main Battle Tanks because hills block line of sight through the middle of the map, protecting those hiding from artillery strikes. Both sides will need to position themselves well to attain victory.

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