Devilian’s Closed Beta Event 3: Speak of the Devil begins Thursday

The pretty cool hack and slash MMORPG Devilian from Trion Worlds is going to begin its third Closed Beta Event next Thursday, November 12 at 10:00 AM PST, ending on Monday, November 16 at 10:00 AM PST. This beta also brings the localization in French and German for the first time.

This event is called Speak of the Devil and marks the launch of the Devilian developer's diaries, the first one being called Embrace the Darkness. Obviously there's a lot of praise about the game but in all fairness, Devilian is a nice and addicting Diablo-like MMORPG.

If you still don't have access to the beta and desperately want it, you can purchase a Devilian Early Access Pack. If you're unsure and prefer to wait, you should sign up here to try your luck at beta access and our Devilian first look gameplay video should give you a nice rundown on what this game is all about.

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