Spiral Cats cosplay Civilization Online

Spiral Cats is a famous cosplay team from South Korea and videogames are among the subjects that the members cover, including CABAL 2 and Echo of Soul. One of the latest games to deserve their attention was Civilization Online from XL Games, makers of ArcheAge. Tasha cosplayed as Princess Mia and Achillia while Doremi impersonated Wang Zhaojun. You can see the beautiful photos below and we'll make sure to follow Spiral Cats' awesome work.

Civilization Online is still unannounced for English-speaking territories.

Princess Mia – Tasha

princess mia tasha 8

princess mia tasha 9

princess mia tasha 10

princess mia tasha 11

Princess Mia Tasha (1)

Princess Mia Tasha (2)

Princess Mia Tasha (3)

Princess Mia Tasha (4)

Princess Mia Tasha (5)

Princess Mia Tasha (6)

Princess Mia Tasha (7)

Achillia – Tasha

Achillia Tasha (1)

Achillia Tasha (2)

Achillia Tasha (3)

Achillia Tasha (4)

Achillia Tasha (5)

Achillia Tasha (6)

Achillia Tasha (7)

Achillia Tasha (8)

Wang Zhaojun – Doremi

Wang Zhaojun Doremi (1)

Wang Zhaojun Doremi (2)

Wang Zhaojun Doremi (3)

Wang Zhaojun Doremi (4)

Wang Zhaojun Doremi (5)

Wang Zhaojun Doremi (6)

Wang Zhaojun Doremi (7)

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