Chronicle: RuneScape Legends is now in open beta

Chronicle: RuneScape Legends shut down

Jagex's ingenious strategy card game Chronicle: RuneScape Legends is now in open beta for PC. This tabletop meets collectible card game is described as having “no mana, no minions and no random number generation” and uses the lore of the timeless classic RuneScape to attract old and new players. Mixing PvP with PvE, players have to select Support and Enemy cards from their deck, forming a quest for their Legend character in a fight against their rival.

The Chronicle: RuneScape Legends saw nearly 250,000 games played and the open beta brings new Legends, two new environments (The Wilderness Crater and Barrows), a new mode (Dungeoneering), Skilling, Legend customization and leaderboards.

You can play Chronicle: RuneScape Legends by signing up and downloading here.

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