League of Angels 2: new features and European versions in May

Freshly released last month, League of Angels 2 is slowly but surely getting a lot of attention and while it's a difficult task to become as popular as the first game, the sexy angels are certainly going to help with that battle. Developer GTArcade has just revealed that two new features are coming to League of Angels II in May, one of them being the Auction House and the other is the Star upgrade system. As you can expect, the Auction House allows players to trade rare materials with one another, while the Star upgrade system offers more ways for players to customize and strengthen their team.

The European version of League of Angels 2 is also about to launch during May 2016, along with European servers. This version will include multiple languages such as Spanish, French, German and Turkish, among others.

If you still haven't tried League of Angels 2 and you like your MMORPGs with some eye candy (read sexy girls), then you can sign up for free here.

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