Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday expansion goes live today

The Agents of Yesterday expansion for the sci-fi MMORPG Star Trek Online is now live. This is the third official expansion and “sends players back in time to create new Captains in that era, fly classic Starships and experience new episodes inspired by the television series that started it all. As a Captain from The Original Series, players will participate in new task force missions, interact with iconic characters voiced by original Trek actors and command era-appropriate ships, including the Enterprise, Constitution-class starship.”

Agents of Yesterday brings new episodes, new starships (over a dozen), a new specialization tree, new Special Task Force Missions, a cast featuring Chekov, Daniels, and more characters straight from the TV shows and movies voiced by the original actors, and a new universe to explore from the Kelvin Timeline, the universe which the 2009 and 2013 Star Trek films are based on.

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