Next Gigantic beta weekend begins November 17, Windows 10 free access

Gigantic official launch

There's one more Gigantic closed beta weekend coming, this one starting this Thursday, November 17 at 9am PT and running until Sunday, November 20th at 11:59pm PT. This test will feature four heroes (Aisling, Charnok, HK-206, Uncle Sven) and four additional random heroes, three maps (Ghost Reef, Sanctum Falls, Siren’s Strand) and no progression wipe, which means your previous progress will carry on for this playtest!

You want some more good news? Well, the Windows 10 version of the Gigantic beta can be played without a beta key, so beginning Wednesday you can download the game from the Windows Store and get ready for the start of the beta.

We've tried the game several times now and we can tell you that Gigantic is visually stunning, fast-paced and has some nice depth to its MOBA mechanics.

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