Robocraft celebrates 9.5 million registered players

Robocraft, FreeJam's craft and fight game has surpassed 9.5 million registered players since it entered Early Access as a free-to-play title on Steam in July 2014. The studio has released a new infographic to celebrate, showing how many clans were created and how many robot designs were uploaded.

Robocraft is also available in 11 languages – besides English, you can play in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Brazilian Portuguese and Russian.

“We couldn’t be happier with the reception of Robocraft so far, and we’re excited to open the game up to so many new players. This localisation update is a big moment for us,” said game director and Freejam CEO, Mark Simmons. “Since Robocraft entered Early Access in 2014, players from across the world have asked us to localise the game into more than just English and we plan to add support for more languages in the future as we approach a full scale release early 2017.”


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