Paragon reveals its plans for 2017 and some interesting stats

Paragon playerbase

Epic Games has revealed a bit about its plans for Paragon during this year and it all begins with some nice and straight to the point statistics – it makes a nice change from the usual infographics, we would say.

Currently Paragon has more than 5.7 million registered players and during 2016 saw the release of 25 heroes, with new heroes coming every three weeks unless it's Christmas or the team is working on something huge like the Monolith update.

As for what 2017 brings, you can expect a new ranged hero in April to finally break with the string of melee heroes that recently happened due to the long hero development times. The card system is currently being redesigned “to make cards more valuable and impactful to gameplay and increase clarity and ease of use.”

Two new game modes are in the works, one of them being a PvE co-op mode, while the other is a PvP mode providing a shorter, faster version of Paragon that can be played in 20 minutes or less. A new matchmaking system, banners, loot crates and more are also planned for this year, among the usual new skins and balance.

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